
Constituting America

This is foundation I started in 2010 and co-chair with Cathy Gillespie. Our mission is to educate American citizens and students about the relevancy of the United States Constitution in a hip and cool way. Our goal is to get the United States Constitution into the mainstream cultural thought. We have done this by holding a 90 day forum for adults on our sight where we studied the United States Constitution and the 85 Federalist Papers. We also started a scholarship contest for students, the "We the People 9.17 Contest," offering a contest for best short film, best original song, best PSA,

best essay, best artwork and best poem. We filmed a documentary of our inaugural winners. Please watch it on our website and encourage your schools to view it in their classrooms. It is 47 minutes. Perfect for the classroom. Also, we are starting Patriot Clubs across the country; a monthly meeting where kids of all ages and adults study the U.S. Constitution. Please join us in this effort. We are a 501c3, non-profit organization.

Pastoral Reflection Institute

I am a Methodist but I LOVE Monsignor Fischer. His homilies are beyond compare and inspire me every Sunday or whenever I visit his website. I had the great pleasure of meeting him this year. He gave me a cross which I take with me every where.

Get ready to be uplifted!

The Lois Weber Film Collection

Great Female Directors Library - starting in 1917

Pregnancy Resource Council

The Pregnancy resource council is an organization dedicated to helping women who are pregnant and making life decisions. For more information e mail:

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